We can use the below Approaches to avoid Oracle Database Performance slowness:
Approach 1: Check the long running queries parallely collect the statistics all the queries running on DB
Approach 2: Do the Explain plan query by query
Approach 3: Analyze Tablescans and Index scan (Create index if necessary)
Approach 4: Create Partition if necessary and also if the license supports
Approach 5: Purge recycle bin (if it is 10g)
Approach 6: SQL trace with TKProf
Approach 7: we can go ahead with Optimizer hints if required
Approach 8: Analyze the whole database schemas
Approach 9: Coalesce the tablespace.
Approach 10: Rebuild mulitple objects if necessary.
Approach 11: Configure Statspack Report.
Approach 12: Analyze the Statspack Report.
Approach 13: We need to check whether all the database objects placed in USERS or Manually Created Tablespace (Some times all the objects will be placed on SYSTEM or SYSAUX Tablespace, this may cause performance slowness)
Approach 14: For network related performance issue we can use SDU and TDU parameters.
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